If you criticize Trump you may have to shoot all Presidents in Africa

Just imagine a sitting duck  of a President

Holidaying in his homebase

Then 400 boys were kidnapped on his doorstep while in school

A mushroom school befitting Nigeria

The reason why I vex when Nigerian politicians and especially journalists compare Nigeria to America

I dont get it

Is it because Nigeria speaks broken English?

Is it because you are deaf and dumb that you compare and African country to the only Superpower?

I know your ignorance and dullardity is pro-legendary

A 3 pointer?

Of course

Then the boys are released after a week

But Prez is still in hiding

Under abnormal circumstances like I was born into in Africa and the reason why the very best of us can be clumsy unless they practice in Over Sea country as Overseers

Ignorance overseeing intelligence

The origins of half-baked societies preferring solutions for other clime when decay is the only kindest word to describe their progress

Beyt di TGoSFreaks will smile on Africans one day and we will be transformed and transfigured to Paradise

Make no mistake

If you think God will contact Man in Africa

I will forgive you for Moses Orimolade

Any other is a counterfeit!