The Embarrassment of Intelligence between us and Uhuru

“We have no choice we are stuck on this route. It takes you nowhere, Wiesbaden is a dead end. We can spend the night there and go to Frankfurt-am-Main tomorrow. It’s just 15minutes. We can walk. I’d love to walk and take my chances with German girls in the park. She has no questions or just one question about how big it is and if it won’t tear up the joint. How they arrived in building the German Machine is still a mystery. Maybe it’s the Cold. It drives sense into you. Drive.”

I remember dozing off but I don’t remember sleeping. We had a small accident which was not enough to make us pass out if not for the JWH-018. Science students.

“I’m back to life. We are stuck. Our history is Swiss cheese. We have cycles longer than rains on Jupiter. Our Billion megawatts dam or Sunfield Solar and the Nigania Railways have been built. Nothing is kickstarting. It’s always Ujururu.