The Absurdity of Relations on the way back to ANARCHY

We all knew of the dissolution of democracy

By the Eternal Bolsheviks with the support

Of Germany which took Lenin by train from

Switzerland to Finland and the rest is History

When the Ottomans turned to a One Party State

Also with no love for democracy decided to let

The Bolsheviks have the weapons of the Russian Empire armoire du em pir is more funny more like it

Russia Korea Taiwan Nigeria Morocco Dubai Oman Qatar who cares about democracy anyway

On a scale with no brakes sliding the abyss of movements conceived by The Poor willing to get rich and not beheaded for it

I have your votes

I have your mandate

You can kiss my ass

You can go and buy your own votes

Then you will get a Pajero from the Senate of shit

To ever wonder democracy made inroads among the people of dusty roads / Dusty Rhodes