As I was saying in The Voice of The God of Super Freaks

Thanks to freaks and Freaks

Things are pretty much under control

If the people drinking the fluoride poisons

Are letting you do the Fireman or Red Cross

Jobs that fetches money! Cool money, at all, at all

That not having much of us a bad thing like

Trust or honesty among upright people


Needless to say 8 strikes out of 54 on French

And British bloody, shameless and phantasmagorically dysfunctional dissemination of democracy with military bases hiding in plain sight

So I told my boyz to come out again

From Magog I done spoke like Cyrus and Esther

On thé wall I wrote how Jezebels-led Empires

Like the US of A and Niger and Gabon

Welcome to the Pan African Commonwealth

The fools are asking how we gonna do it

As if they did anything along with the unsung memorials of their fathers and mother and children otherwise called lhbtqiii+++ in normal popular literature