Giorgia Meloni : when the chips come down :-) she will go down as the one who made the French extinct or living relics of fascism

Alora! Alors!

Center Right! Facho!

Anarchiste! Fasciste!

Pro-Africa! Anti-Afrique!

Pro-Africa! Pro-Francafrique de Merde!

Don’t forget the word means Mad!

Italy! France!

Ciao Bella! Fou le camps!

Papa! Parpa d’Avignon!

Bishop of Rome! Bishop of Avignon!

Latin! Gaul!

Bûcha! ta Gueuele!

Pope of Rome well-loved! Popes of Avignon well-hated.

Italian love and French hate after the Niger coup

Was more of reflecting The French as paranoid about going extinct!

Which is a Grim Reality!